In the beginning...
My name is Farah Chanel Hage-Sleiman, my friends refer to me as Farah (Fair-Ah) and my family refers to me as Farah (Faa-Rah), the distinction only exists because it is difficult for most people to roll their" r's" and say an "h" from the back of their throat. In Arabic my name means joy. I try to embody this virtue as much as possible.
Meet the family...
I have one brother named Abdallah, he is 27 and married to his college sweetheart, Rebecca. My dad, Fouad, is remarried to his wife, Nadine and my mother, Mary Ann has been with her significant other, Phil for quite some time now. Both my parents live in Fairfield, CT, where I was born and raised.
From right to left this is my dad, step-mom, me, my sister-in-law, and my brother on my dad's birthday.This is me and my mom.
A little more current...
Now at 21 years old I am a senior psychology major here at the University of Connecticut. I am hoping to land a job at a non-profit organization that deals with serving underprivileged youth. I am passionate about helping out young people.
For the past six years I have volunteered for the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Organization, HOBY. We work with high school sophomores from all fifty states and 23 different countries.
These are some of my dearest friends from HOBY.
I also love to ski.
This is on top of Okemo, I'm behind the camera.
And one of my secret hobbies is belly dancing.
This is my Lebanese grandmother and I belly dancing.
This is my life. It's fun, and interesting, and there are a lot of great things about it.
Life is good.
-Farah (however you want to say it)