Just about a week ago one of my eldest cousins, Yazane (Yez-AAn), moved from Beirut, Lebanon to Cambridge, MA to obtain his Masters in Urban Planning from Harvard. He was in orientation when hurricane Irene hit. Two days after the hurricane, I called Yazane to say hello and to see how well he faired during the hurricane. He said he was well and that, “he was still waiting for the hurricane to hit.” Haha, obviously it wasn’t that bad.
I mentioned to my cousin about the lack of electricity and how we would be without power for about a week and how so many homes had been destroyed. You know what my cousin said to me. He said, “well, at least you’re not at war.”
Holy shit! What do you say to that that? What the hell was I supposed to say to him?
This is what most of the buildings look like after war.
I think a lot of people felt like we were at war with Mother Nature.

My cousin’s wife, Lama (Lem-aa), once told me about how she watched the apartment building she grew up in, get blown up during the war. The apartment building was leveled.
When I called my dad to tell him about how we were without electricity, he said well, “we’ve been without consistent electricity for 30 years.” What the hell was I supposed to say to that?
While I will always argue that Lebanon is one of these most beautiful places on earth, it has been hit really hard by war. Buildings are still destroyed and the electricity is never predictable. I have been stuck in an elevator, jolted on escalators and taken plenty of cold showers in the dark.
But reconstruction, is ever present in Lebanon.
Just as it is and will be in the wake of hurricane Irene.

There is no FEMA, Connecticut Light & Power and certainly no government to help put Lebanon back together, yet they continue to rebuild.
Just like we will rebuild after Irene.

Maybe we’re a lot more similar to the Middle East than we think.
Hurricane Irene photos courtesy of CTPost.com