Sunday, August 21, 2011

This Actually Happened

Today, I was going to blog about my dad, introduce him to you, tell you all about his life and why he moved back to Lebanon but…the most ridiculous thing happened to me at the bar this weekend and I had to tell you.

As you may or may not know, about a month ago I decided to move back to my hometown of Fairfield. I have been seemingly absent for the past six years, only appearing in public when necessary (yes, like our high school reunion). Now that I have moved home I have tried to embrace all that comes with being back in town. Mainly, running into old friends and having the dreaded conversation; the one where the person tells you about their job and fluffs up what they do to make themselves sound important and then they ask what you do.

Like any other normal Friday night I went out to the bar with a group of friends from college fully knowing that I was going to have to have this conversation with at least seven people. But unlike any other Friday night, I had am extremely unusual conversation that went something like this:

Me: “Hey, how are you? I haven’t seen you in forever!”

Fill in the blank, dude I haven’t seen in at least five years, who didn’t come to the reunion I planned and who I don’t think I’m friends with on Facebook: “OMG, I’ve been great. I’m working at XYZ Company doing _________ (business, marketing, accounting, saving the world from evil wrong doers, whatever, etc. etc.) How are you doing? What are you up to these days?”

Me: “Oh, I’m great. I just moved back into town and I’m going overseas to Lebanon for the next two months to blog about the Middle East. You know, dispel rumors and help introduce people to the real Middle East.”

Random dude from high school: “Lebanon! Oh my god, my parents are from Israel, they hate Lebanese people. I should probably hate you right now.”

Me: “What, okay? My dad is from Lebanon, he’s probably not a big fan of Israel either.”

Random dude: “Well if I’m supposed to hate you and you’re supposed to hate me, let’s have hate sex.”

Me: “Holy shit, I have got to go.”
(I proceeded to find my friends and leave)

I didn’t know hate sex was a resolution for peace in the Middle East.

NOTE*** This conversation actually happened.

1 comment:

  1. al i can say write now is, "LMAO" that actually is funny. that's not even angering me and i'm a jew. and i love you. there is nothign wrong with lebanese. its the insane extremist muslims. and the extreme israeli's that make this world a hateful place. lebanese, syrian, israeli, etc are a peaceful people. sometimes i wonder why americans are called americans...they should be called american'ts because they can't seem to hold an intelligent conversation without sounding like they just came out of the womb yesterday.
